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Product descriptions

Carbon dioxide

Carbonic acid, as an industrial base material and state-of-the-art future material

탄산가스 타이틀이미지

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide

Carbonic acid is used as a key material for not only major industries such as food, shipbuilding, and automobiles but also new growth engine industries such as LEDs, wind power, solar power, and secondary batteries. Recently, it is an important industrial basic material that is expanding its use to agricultural purposes such as greenhouses.

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  • 제품소개 이미지1-1
  • 제품소개 이미지1-1
- Where to use

① Industrial: Rockets, Submarine propellants, Ships, Welding, etc.

② Food and beverage: Ingredients for soft drinks, Plant photosynthesis

③ Fire extinguisher (for electric fire suppression)

④ Medical use: Topical anesthetics, Sterilizing gas, etc.

⑤ Other: Water treatment, Wastewater treatment, etc.